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    (By Kevin Paul)

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    Author Kevin Paul
    “Book Descriptions: Today's students are found in high schools, colleges, the office, adult-learning centers, universities, trade schools, and weekend seminars. With time limits and fierce competition, students need to tap into their hidden potential and maximize performance. Study Smarter, Not Harder provides readers with key information they need to study successfully in any situation. This new edition, released ten years after the first edition was published, includes: - New strategies for time management - New tools for goal setting - Discussion of common myths such as speed reading - The #1 study skill essential for top grades in any course - Online resources and support - Plus it includes all the original text that has made this book a bestseller: - How important is preparation in studying? - How do I improve my memory and concentration? - How should I study for exams? This book was written for students of all ages, especially for high-school, college and university students. But there are also thousands of adults returning to school or taking evening classes across the country. This includes career and businesspeople who must keep up-to-date with new research.”

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