  • Esther’s Journey

    (By Beverley Latimer)

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    Author Beverley Latimer
    “Book Descriptions: Isaac and Esther Barak, a young, beautiful, and talented couple, are living in the south of France when World War Two begins. They have everything to live for: fame, a loving marriage, a beautiful home, and two young children.
    As Jews, Isaac and Esther are targeted; their fame and their money cannot save them.

    In an attempt to try and save the lives of their young children, Isaac turns to a close friend for help. The children are smuggled out of France and kept hidden until the war is over.

    Isaac and Esther are captured as they attempt to flee to a hiding place deep in the French countryside. They are both transported to separate extermination camps in Poland within days of their arrest.

    Two and a half years later Esther is liberated by the Russian army. But what of her husband?

    Not knowing if Isaac has survived or not, Esther's journey continues with the hope that she and Isaac will find their way back to each other, and the children they have not seen for over two years.”

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