  • Istočni diwan

    (By Dževad Karahasan)

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    Author Dževad Karahasan
    “Book Descriptions: Karahasan's first novel, Eastern Divan (1989), is set in the Islamic Middle Ages (8—11th c. AD), in the Iraq cities of Basra and Baghdad and in Persia. In the framework of Islamic culture, the novel explores the relation between orthodox faith and mysticism, between the Arabic and Persian worlds, between male and female emotivity and experience of the world. The Arabic-Persian writer al-Muqaffa, the poet, mystic, and Sufi master al-Hallaj, and the philosopher and writer al-Tauhidi, all portrayed in confrontations with their persecutors – policemen and spies, profess esoteric teachings, and all esoteric religious and spiritual orientations are, as Dževad Karahasan says in his essay "Through Secret Gardens" from "Book of Gardens" (Knjiga vrtova, 2002), characterised by a belief that the world is divided into an outer and an inner sphere, of which the inner is the more valuable and the more real. This esoteric orientation leads the novel's protagonists into a conflict with the world: according to Dževad Karahasan, the rifts breeding hatred, excommunication, crime and war are engendered within the cultures and civilisations themselves rather than on their margins or borders. Each society has its 'different ones', the outcast, the persecuted, and the violence projected by us into the Other is actually present within the society itself. The other theme of Eastern Divan is the dialogue between male and female perceptions of the world, a dialogue established through the correspondence between al-Muqaffa, a Persian convert to Islam, and his wife. Their love letters crystallise two cultures, two views of the world, two ways of thinking and feeling.

    Uspješno transponujući borhesovske lavirinte i ogledala u duhovni ambijent Orijenta, Dževad Karahasan je uspio ostvariti "Istočni diwan" kao roman koji se 'čita u dahu', koji 'uvlači' u čitanje svojom uzbudljivošću, napetošću i mudrošću. I utoliko ovo djelo predstavlja jednu novu, svježu i vrijednu liniju savremenom romanu. "Istočni diwan" je djelo o sufijskom mučeniku i svecu Al-Halladžu, kompleksna studija u kojoj se preklapaju vjerno rekonstruirani ambijent Bagdada u 8. vijeku, refleksivni pasaži i egzistencijalno-spiritualna drama legendarnog martira, pjesnika i aforističkog mislioca. Za razliku od Selimovića u romanu "Derviš i smrt", Karahasan dobro poznaje problematiku sufijskog misticizma.”

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