  • Pretty Shattered Soul

    (By Robbi Renee)

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    Author Robbi Renee
    “Book Descriptions: Trauma left her captivating, sweet soul flawed, distressed, disconnected, and shattered. Savvy and effortlessly beautiful, Syncere James concealed her heartache, finding security and refuge in her career as a successful real estate agent. Refusing to lose control, Syncere dictates and schedules every aspect of her life, including her relationships with men. The pretty princess never desired the love of a prince, then she met a King.

    Wealthy construction company owner, King Cartwright, could have the heart of any woman in Haven Point, but he only has eyes for the gorgeous and complicated Syncere James. Navigating her complex layers, will his persistence and protection win her love? Or are Syncere’s unreasonable barriers and immeasurable pain too much for King to make her his queen?

    **Sensitive Material”

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