  • Happiness Becomes You: A Guide to Changing Your Life for Good

    (By Tina Turner)

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    Author Tina Turner
    “Book Descriptions: I dedicate this book to you… in honor of your unseen efforts to triumph over each problem life sends your way.

    Tina Turner, one of the world’s most beloved performers, reveals the joyful wisdom behind her inspirational life story in this powerful guide to finding happiness, hope, and love in your own life. In Happiness Becomes You: A Guide to Changing Your Life for Good, Tina shows how all of us can overcome life’s obstacles—even change the impossible to possible—and transform our lives. She explains how we, too, can realize our dreams, empowering us with spiritual tools and sage advice to enrich our unique paths.

    For decades, Tina Turner has shined brightly as an example of someone who can generate hope from nothing, break through all limitations, and achieve success that endures. Drawing on the lessons of her own experiences—rising out of sorrowful lows to stratospheric heights—Tina illuminates the practical principles of Buddhism and how, since 1973, they’ve helped her elevate from despair, adversity, and poverty to joy, stability, and prosperity.

    Now, Tina offers the wisdom gained throughout her extraordinary life in Happiness Becomes You, making this the perfect gift of inspiration for you and those you love.

    “Each of us is born, I believe, with a unique mission, a purpose in life that only we can fulfill. We are linked by a shared responsibility: to help our human family grow kinder and happier.” — from the Introduction”

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