You must enable JavaScript to see this text. You must enable JavaScript to see this text. MEMBER AREA You must enable JavaScript to see this text. You must enable JavaScript to see this text. 最凶ヤンキーと負け犬な俺 [Saikyo Yankee to Makeinu na Ore] You must enable JavaScript to see this text. (By Amama Akatsuki) You must enable JavaScript to see this text. You must enable JavaScript to see this text. Read Ebook You must enable JavaScript to see this text. You must enable JavaScript to see this text. × Size 29 MB (29,088 KB) Format PDF Downloaded 696 times You must enable JavaScript to see this text. Last checked 16 Hour ago! Author Amama Akatsuki
You must enable JavaScript to see this text. “Book Descriptions: 高校でヤンキーデビューした清永茜(きよながあかね)は、 か弱いのに喧嘩っ早いのが難点。 ある日、他校の不良にボコボコにされているところを 同じ高校のヒーロー・鬼堂(きどう)リョージと 腹黒野郎・黒川太郎(くろかわたろう)に助けられる。 それからというもの、心酔するリョージの傍にいたいだけなのに 一緒にいる黒川からイタズラを仕掛けられてはイライラする日々。 しかも次第にエッチな悪戯にエスカレートして!? 腹黒ヤンキー×負け犬な男子高生タイマンラブ! 描き下ろしあり。 Kiyonaga Akane, a new delinquent who’s weak at fighting but has a strong will. One day, he got beaten up by Yankees from another school, then, his hero – Kidou Ryouji and Kurokawa Tarou saved him. They became closer and Kurokawa keep teasing Akane every day. Not only that, Kurokawa also do perverted things with Akane?! -” You must enable JavaScript to see this text. × DRIVE Download (PDF) You must enable JavaScript to see this text.
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