You must enable JavaScript to see this text. You must enable JavaScript to see this text. MEMBER AREA You must enable JavaScript to see this text. You must enable JavaScript to see this text. 教えて、狼さん。[Oshiete, Ookami-san.] You must enable JavaScript to see this text. (By Nanoka) You must enable JavaScript to see this text. You must enable JavaScript to see this text. Read Ebook You must enable JavaScript to see this text. You must enable JavaScript to see this text. × Size 28 MB (28,087 KB) Format PDF Downloaded 682 times You must enable JavaScript to see this text. Last checked 15 Hour ago! Author Nanoka
You must enable JavaScript to see this text. “Book Descriptions: あんまり男をなめない方がイイよ--? 表題作他、甘々バカップルのお話も同時収録。 とある理由から、ノンケの男性を誘惑しては振って楽しんでいた千歳。次のターゲットとして選んだのは、バイト先の常連客・成田さん。優しくて大人しい男性だと思って自宅を訪れたら、いきなり豹変!! 腹黒な狼キャラだった!! しかもいきなり押し倒されてしまい!? Chitose is a cute guy with a devilish hobby - that of 'fishing' - flirting and seducing guys with whom he has no intention of going out. His next target is the shy 'herbivore' Narita. Chitose lures Narita into his trap, but perhaps the prey is not what he seems to be and the hunter will become the hunted...?” You must enable JavaScript to see this text. × DRIVE Download (PDF) You must enable JavaScript to see this text.
子連れΩと暴君ヤクザ You must enable JavaScript to see this text. ★★★★★
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