  • Apocalyptish: A Collection of Short Stories: Suspense, Horror, Sci-Fi, and Dark Humor

    (By Johnny Moscato)

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    Author Johnny Moscato
    “Book Descriptions: From the unpredictably twisted mind of Johnny Moscato comes a riveting collection of short stories.

    Dive into fast-paced tales of winners and losers, perilous ends, and frightening new beginnings; stories of evolution, triumph, and failure. Encounter scandalous aliens, murderous unicorns, venomous butterflies, and haunting warnings from the past, present, and future, all masterfully woven together in this captivating collection of suspense, horror, sci-fi, and dark humor.

    Connor’s Story: Parents suspect their five-year-old son has a secret identity.

    Where the Red Catnip Grows: Fluffy gets her first taste of freedom.

    This Little Piggy: A million years in the future, a human descendant battles the mightiest creature on Earth - the giant sea pig.

    Apocalyptish: With less than a ten-minute warning, a couple watches from their backyard as an unexpected black hole approaches our solar system.

    The Hollering Man: An astrophysicist is summoned by a man in a hospital gown shouting her name around her neighborhood.

    Men in the Moon: Cliff Gordon discovers the secrets of the universe in an afterlife no one ever predicted.

    The Life and Death of Gemma Gleason: The last day in the commercial-filled life of Gemma Gleason in the year 2055.

    Being John Smith 1, 2, & 3: A full-grown clone appears on a sidewalk, only to find he’s not the only one.


    Sophie in the Mirror
    Why the Long Horn?
    The Big Ones
    Poor Gammy
    Employee of the Month
    And more”

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