“Book Descriptions: A thriller in the tradition of Ken Follett and Robert Ludlum, Submerged chronicles the unique history of the U-5001, a Nazi secret weapon that could have changed the course of World War II, and it's the story of two men who become inextricably connected to the submarine.
The first is Kapitaenleutnant Erich Heinz Bruckner, who commanded the U-boat on its only mission—a voyage that transported him and his crew to a place of wonder and horror.
The other is Dexter Bucklin, an ex-Navy diver who finds the only evidence of the U-5001's existence, which drives him to discover its original, terrifying mission.
Submerged follows both men in a narrative that spans generations of adventure and mystery, echoing the tales of Poe and Lovecraft at their most strange. As the paths of these men's lives converge, a third element surfaces to influence the decisions of both men—decisions that will shape the future of civilization in ways never imagined...” DRIVE