“Book Descriptions: A collection of short stories and poems resurrect the spirit of the Gothic Blue Book. Gothic Blue Books were short fictions popular in the 18th and 19th century. They were descendants of the chap book trade. Burial Day Books presents its second Gothic Blue Book, The Revenge Edition. The following fifteen short stories and poems honor the Gothic story. Misery, fear, despair, regret and dread are highlighted in the following pages, stirring old ghosts, witches, and awakening death. The following collection of new and established horror authors weave together brilliant tales of terror celebrating the history of the Gothic story with a new twist.
Chad Brown - THE PEEPERS Tara Cleves- THE B&B OWNER M.N. Hanson - SLENDER MAN Phil Hickes - THE BEAUTIFUL DEAD Emma Hinge - PENANCE K. Trap Jones - THE FLAILING ARM Daniel Kraus - NORA AND THE GRAVEDIGGER David Massengill - BELLEVUE Carl Palmer - VISITATION Cynthia (cina) Pelayo - BLASPHEME Gerardo Pelayo - FIRST DATE CHECKLIST Cortney Philip - WHEN THE SUN STAYS DOWN Wednesday Silverwood - ANGELIQUE Jennifer A. Smith - LAST SUMMER Melissa Stanziale - THE CHLIDREN OF ORORO