  • Phoenix Saga: A Modern Epic in Pro Sé (Book One)

    (By Joshua James Eller)

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    Author Joshua James Eller
    “Book Descriptions: An elegant, beautiful, and inspiring epic exploring a semiotic paradise!

    Nietzsche called homo sapien the “murderer of all murderers” when he declared that “God is dead” at the turn of the 20th Century. Yet, the great god Pan died nearly 2,000 years ago. Thamus, are you there? Take care. The Obsolescence of Oracles followed. All Earths’ mightiest Heroes swallowed. And what of the Poets hallowed? “Who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves?”

    All Earths’ religions burn, including science. Earth is lost, Eternity follows. In a universe long lost it is written that a Phoenix rises from the ashes. So a Phoenix rises, however improbable.

    The first in a trilogy, Phoenix Saga is written in waves of Hope and Love for a lost species on a beautiful planet in a vast Universe. A Modern Mythos for Peace on Earth in a 22nd century and beyond.

    Shall we do something we’ve never done?”

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