  • When the Clouds Part

    (By Anne Hampson)

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    Author Anne Hampson
    “Book Descriptions: When Judi Langham's selfish stepsister Hannah, an up-and-coming film actress; needed a professional name, she hadn't hesitated to appropriate Judi's. Judi couldn't care less -- she had far more pressing problems on her mind; principally, how she could best get away from the unhappy atmosphere of her home.

    So when the Greek millionaire Vidas Theron, who had never met Hannah but for some mysterious, quixotic reason had asked her to marry him, proposed to Judi instead, Judi accepted. She didn't see what difference it would make to Vidas; Hannah would never know; and it would solve all Judi's immediate problems. In fact everything seemed perfect when, once they were married, the two of them fell deeply in love.

    But Judi knew that her unexpected happiness could not last long. And what would happen if Vidas ever found out who she really was?”

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